
The Main Street SM Club

Published July 15, 2024

"The slut needs to be punished" cried out Ronnie, "she has failed to perform as ordered." "I agree&...

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Erin and Her New Neighbor

Published June 7, 2024

Erin is a 42 year old high school . She is not married although she has been close a time or two. During theschool year she is a proper, professional teacher who expec...

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Him Her Part One The Meeting

Published June 7, 2024

100% fiction!

I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was our meeting. After 13 months of internet fucking every night, we f...

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Losing it

Published June 4, 2024

I was a 21 year old virgin. I know in this day and age that is rare, but I just never found anyone interesting enough to have sex with. I had many, many disappointed men...

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The Solution to Eddies Problem

Published June 4, 2024

I showed Eddy the videos we had made a couple of days back and he seemed convinced that we were on the right track but he said, "I still can't get a hard on...

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To many to mention

Published May 26, 2024

I'm a divorced forty-something male with a relentless sex drive. I am blessed, or perhaps cursed, with an enormous cock fully ten inches in length and seven inches i...

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First Time Sharing Part One

Published May 24, 2024

I was still in the arms of the strange, exciting that I had been making love to on the couch, her hair spread on the cushion, her pretty face looking up at me with an ...

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It was a dark and Stomy Night

Published May 24, 2024

Authors Note. The age of consent in England is 16 for both boys and girls, although marriage can only be with the parents consent until they are eighteen years of age. &...

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